Why is the sticker on my battery red

This currently makes it unclear to the customer to what rating the battery is capable of meeting EN1 or EN2 without access to the listing. In order to minimise confusion, Yuasa currently use the longer established American BCI SAE rating for cold cranking amps which is the current to deliver 30 seconds to 7.

This is seen as a fairer comparison to give a balanced view of the batteries durability and starting performance. In the last ten years, comparatively inexpensive conductance meters have entered the market which are able to determine the specific internal resistance of an automotive battery using the principles of the AC Wheatstone bridge which you may remember from school days. The disadvantage of the conductance tester is that they all use a standard algorithm program to estimate the CCA reading from the measured internal resistance reading.

Due to differences in battery designs it is not possible to give a perfect relationship between internal resistance and actual performance in the laboratory. For the evaluation of new factory fresh batteries different readings can be seen depending on the manufacturers plate design and acid density.

Even significantly different readings can be obtained between different brands of tester. Expanded plates give a higher reading than a cast plate, as the cast plate has a full frame construction for improved conductivity. The grid size can be reduced and made thicker to access the active materials toward the bottom of the plate.

This design difference for example has a difference on the conductance readings where the tester correlates to the CCA reading based on a standard formula.

The testing of new batteries is more complex as testing under the EN standard requires the battery to be conditioned after a number of cycles which alter the conductance of the paste and hence causes more variation in tester data produced.

For this reason, Yuasa and other major battery manufacturers recommend that the confirmation of the compliance of unused batteries to the EN or BCI can only be determined using laboratory testing and that digital conductance tester are not suitable to evaluate the performance of new unused batteries. Conductance Tester are designed to measure the internal resistance of the battery. It is suggested that if this is suspected, the battery should be tested after the lights have been left on for 15 minutes without the engine running.

Always refer to the information contained in the handbook or brochure supplied with the vehicle or equipment. Receive the latest news and offers from Yuasa straight into your inbox by signing up to our consumer mailing list. Alternatively Click Here to sign up to our trade mailing list. Website Made by iWeb. Date Coding of batteries for stock rotation purposes A -Storage Always rotate your stock. Batteries slowly lose their charge, and good stock-rotation stops batteries going flat in storage and makes sure that the customer buys a good battery.

On the back of the battery there is a label showing the expected period before the battery will require recharging. This makes it easy to identify the oldest and newest batteries in stock. Please use the recharge date to ensure that the oldest batteries leave your stock first. Recharge date is only an indication of recharge period as self discharge is subject to storage conditions. Store batteries in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area.

Protect batteries from excessive heat. Heat causes batteries to lose charge more quickly, and excessive heat can damage batteries.

Store batteries in an upright position. To stop them falling over or leaking. Do not stack batteries on top of other batteries. To avoid scratching, and tearing labels.

To avoid damaging terminals that stand proud of the lid. Store shrink-wrapped batteries up to 3 high. Any higher and there is a risk of them falling over and injuring people. Do not remove any seals from dry-charged batteries until you are ready to commission the battery by filling it with acid. The seal preserves the charge in the battery. If it is broken, air will enter and cause the battery to lose charge.

Store batteries on racks or on pallets, not on the floor. Small stones or sharp points on a concrete floor can damage the base of the battery and cause leakage.

Make sure handles are left in the flat down position. Upright handles are more likely to be damaged. Digital battery testers are not designed to check the fully developed cold cranking performance of a new battery. They are designed purely for the testing and evaluation of faulty or used batteries.

See comments on Digital Conductance testers below. DRY Charged Batteries: Maintenance of Stock Sales of dry charged batteries within our range is very limited, usually for specialist markets. If you keep the batteries cool and dry, and do not remove the seal, dry-charged batteries do not need any other attention. The maximum storage time of dry-charged batteries before they are commissioned by filling with acid is 24 months.

Only commission a dry-charged battery when it is needed for a customer. If fitted, remove and discard any sealing plugs, tape or foil. If fitted, remove and keep normal vent-plugs and terminal covers usually red and black. For filling, use battery-grade dilute sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1. Note: contaminated acid with impurities can seriously damage the life of the battery, in some cases reducing this to a few days.

Do not use acid from old batteries. Fill each cell with acid to a level of 3 — 6mm above the tops of the separators. Fill each cell one after the other and complete the filling in one operation. Leave the battery for 20 — 30 minutes and then measure the open-circuit voltage. If it is below If it is above See Section D below. Fit the normal vent-plugs and terminal covers. Wash the battery with hot water and dry it. Note that performance checks on newly-commissioned dry-charged batteries with modern electronic digital testers using conductance technology are not recommended.

Examples are testers supplied by Midtronics or Bosch. The results can be misleading until the battery has undergone some service use. Do not top up to the maximum levels a battery that needs charging. Levels rise on charging. However, if the levels are below the tops of the separators, top up with distilled or deionised water until the separators are just covered. Adjust levels to the maximum levels only after the battery has stood for at least an hour after charging.

Never overfill a battery. The acid may come out of the vent-plugs when the battery is being charged. Use only distilled or deionised water for topping up as Sulphuric acid should never be used except for the initial filling of a battery. Do not use bottled Mineral water impurities within the water will increase water loss and battery self-discharge.

When the battery is in service, the electrolyte levels should be checked and adjusted to the levels given below. If the battery has a maximum level line on the side of the container, fill to this maximum level. If there is no maximum line, but there are filling tubes projecting from the bottom of the lid, fill to the bottom of the tubes. If there is not a maximum line nor filling tubes in polypropylene batteries, fill to 7mm 0.

If there are no filling tubes in hard-rubber batteries, fill to 15mm 0. On 24 Volt systems, or when 2 off 12 Volt batteries are fitted in series, both batteries should be replaced at the same time.

Failure to do this will result in a greatly reduced battery life for the new battery that has been fitted. When batteries are joined in series, the negative terminal of one battery is connected to the positive terminal of the other, giving a total voltage of 24 Volts. The Ampere-hour capacity of the system is the same as that of the individual batteries. When batteries are joined in parallel, the positive terminals of the 2 batteries are connected together, and the negative terminals of the 2 batteries are also connected together.

The voltage of the system remains unchanged at 12 Volts, but the Ampere-hour capacity of the system is double that of the individual batteries. Leisure Batteries Use the battery with the performance and size recommended by the equipment supplier. We recommend that a leisure battery in a medium cyclic application should be sized so that it is not normally discharged to more than 50 per cent state-of-charge. This will ensure that the battery gives a good life.

The life of a battery regularly discharged by 50 percent is about 5 times that of a battery regularly discharged to per cent. For example, a load of 4A for 10 hours will discharge a battery by 40Ah. If this represents 50 per cent state-of-charge, we would recommend a 80Ah battery. Marine Batteries The Marine battery range has been designed with greater cyclic durability than the Leisure range and principally designed for hotel load usages on boats.

F -Removing Batteries and Installing Batteries on Vehicles It is good practice to tell the customer that, while you will do your best to keep the memory settings, it is possible these might be lost. Make sure the hand-brake is on, and that the car is in neutral or park.

Switch off all electrical loads and remove the ignition key from the car. Note: On some cars, the doors will lock when the battery is disconnected so this is why the key should be removed from the car.

Clean the battery case by wiping it with moist paper towels and mild detergent. If the battery has removable vent caps, on a monthly basis, remove the caps and check the level of the electrolyte, which is a solution of sulfuric acid and water found inside your battery. The level of the electrolyte should rise above the top plates of the battery. If fluid is needed, add water, but be sure to avoid overfilling the cells.

Distilled water can be purchased at most grocery stores and is recommended to be used instead of tap water, which may contain mineral deposits that can adversely effect battery life. On post-type terminals, the positive post is the larger of the two.

Don't pry the cable clamp off the battery post because this may harm the battery case or cause internal damage. Check the batteries posts and terminals for loose connections and cracks. Always install the positive cable first, followed by the negative cable. Always remove the cable from the negative battery terminal first, followed by the positive. Inspect the battery case for cracks and bulging, as these are signs of a failing battery.

You also need to look for corrosion around the battery terminal connections and battery hold-down. Corrosion can be cleaned off with a small, stiff brush and a solution of baking soda and water. After removing the corrosion, rinse the battery with water. Capture the used water in suitable container, such as a plastic drain pan, and dispose of it properly. Jump Starting Precautions Before you begin, be sure to set the parking brake, then turn off all electrical accessories and the ignitions of both vehicles.

Unplug all electrical components - such as cellular phones and radar detectors - before disconnecting or connecting the battery cables. Jump-starting may damage such items. Do not allow the vehicles to touch each other. Connect cables in the correct order and position.

See Removing battery cables and Attaching battery cables below. Never attempt to charge or jump-start a frozen battery or one that is low on electrolyte - it may rupture or explode. With the extensive use of electrical equipment on today's cars, it doesn't take much to drain a battery.

While jump-starting a battery may appear simple, special attention must be taken to ensure the safety of persons and vehicles involved. Install one end of the positive jumper cable clamp to the positive terminal of the discharged vehicle's battery.

The positive jumper cable clamp is typically color-coded red. Install the other end of the positive jumper cable to the battery's positive terminal of the vehicle doing the boosting.

Install the negative jumper cable clamp to the negative terminal of the booster vehicle's battery. The negative jumper cable clamp is typically color-coded black. Connect the other end of the negative jumper cable to a grounding point on the discharged vehicle, such as the engine block or an air-conditioning bracket.

Try to keep the jumper cable as far from the battery as possible. Try to start the vehicle with the discharged battery. If engine seems to be turning too slowly, stop cranking and start the other vehicle to avoid draining both batteries. If your battery isn't holding a charge after being in service for only a month or two, it's either defective, or you have a problem with your electrical system.

The self-discharge rates you mention refer to a battery losing charge without being under any sort of load. When it's in your car, it's being charged and discharged constantly. It's used for warranty replacements. If it fails in years 4 or 5, you get a pro-rated discount on a new battery.

How do they know when you purchased it? By your receipt, which you've probably lost. Walmart runs a very tight stock control system. If they know for example that every September, they sell 60 batteries, then in August an automatic order is placed by head office for 60 batteries.

These batteries will be delivered in mid to late August exactly when depends on truck scheduling or available space on the truck. When they arrive at the store, they may go into warehouse storage there's less of that than you think in a Walmart , or they may be put out on shelves.

So it's possible that a battery with a September dot may be on the shelves in August. I would give it a "Load Test" or take it to a auto parts location that provides the service. That way you will know exactly what condition the battery is in and what kind of future it may provide. The little colored dot sticker is the date it was recharged. Wet batteries have a long shelf life if they are kept charged, and are usually charged once a month by the battery rep.

I was delivering to a battery company and asked about those little dot stickers. He reached behind the seat on the forklift and pulled out a roll and said "you mean these? I had mentioned that I was at Costco and the sticker was current month so they must have really new batteries, he said they go and service charge them monthly.

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