Why is the cheshire cat blue

Oh My Disney. And whatever this is… But one character really stands out. Share this article. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Tumblr. See Comments. What do you think? Your Facebook name, profile photo and other personal information you make public on Facebook e.

Subscribe to. Facebook Instagram YouTube. She tries to receive practical answers, but he continues to goof off by asking random questions, and continually showcasing his abilities. After a while, he advises her to seek answers from the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. She, not wanting to associate with mad people, denies the advice, but he claims that everyone in Wonderland is mad, including himself.

He then slowly fades away into thin air, laughing and singing in the process. Later on, Alice finds the trail of the White Rabbit once again and begins to pursue him once more. She is lost again, but this time, all hope seems lost. She breaks down in tears, just when the Cheshire Cat arrives. Delighted to see him, she claims that she's no longer looking for rabbits, and wants to find her way home.

However, he explains that in Wonderland, she has no way and that all ways there are the Queen's ways. Confused, she informs him that she knows nothing about the queen, so he reveals a secret passageway to her card-inhabited kingdom.

During a croquet game with the Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat arrives and continuously gets Alice into trouble with the Queen. At one point, the Cheshire Cat causes the Queen to flip over, revealing her bloomers. Out of utter embarrassment, she puts Alice on trial. Soon enough, the Queen sentences Alice to death by beheading, until she finds more mushrooms in her pocket, which causes her to grow to a gigantic size. She then takes advantage of the opportunity and insults the Queen, but she shrinks down to her normal size once again.

The Cheshire Cat appears once more, repeating Alice's insults which causes the Queen to lose her temper, and this leads to the climactic chase. In " Big Bad Wolf Daddy ", he was blown away leaving only his grin behind during the wolf's performance.

In " Unplugged Club ", when Pete took out the club's battery, only his eyes and grin showed in the darkness. In various episodes such as " Mickey and Minnie's Big Vacation ", he could be seen clapping in a crowd with other characters when a cartoon has ended.

His tail and also half of his face and body can be briefly seen during the final shot. In the animated short Electric Holiday , the Cheshire Cat was one of the many Disney character guests to attend Minnie Mouse 's fashion show. The Cheshire Cat was a supporting character in the series.

He loves to play all manner of practical jokes on everyone, but even he occasionally performs some act of kindness. Originally a friend of Alice, the Cheshire Cat appears many years later when she returns to Wonderland, now wild, ferocious, and apparently loyal to the Red Queen , in addition to being one of monstrous size.

The Cheshire Cat encounters his "old friend" in Tulgey Wood and attempts to eat her due to a lack of food within the woods. However, he is distracted by the Knave of Hearts and accidentally swallows a mushroom, causing him to shrink to the size of a house cat, prompting him to flee.

He helped Alice many times and even saved Tarrant's life by shapeshifting into him once. Chessur is a cheshire cat with a long grey fur with light blue stripes, big turquoise eyes and razor sharp pointy teeth.

He looks a bit fat and is very much bigger than a common cat. Chessur's skills of evaporating, floating and shapeshifting are his most well-known characteristics. He is able to completely dissolve his body, or just a part of it, when he wants to. Indeed, one of his most common poses is making just his head appear, like there is no body, or making just his eyes and teeth appear, like there is no head. He is also able to freely float in the air, a skill he is particularly fond of given that he uses it almost every time and everywhere.

Even when there is no need to float, like when he is close to a chair or a bench, Chessur prefers to do it instead of sitting. Last but not least, he has the ability to shapeshift his body to any form he wants to, no matter the size of his new shape. This was very handy, for example, when he saved the life of Tarrant Hightopp in Salazen Grum by shapeshifting into him, even being able to create his clothes and perfectly imitating his walk.

After Alice gets lost in the forest because of the Bandersnatch attack, Chessur finds her and offers to purify the claw marks on her arm, but she declines, allowing him to just wrap it with a piece of cloth. He then helps Alice by guiding her to Tarrant, Mally and Thackery's tea party. Tarrant is not happy to see him, accusing him of betraying them by evaporating away during the attack of Witzend during the Horunvendush Day the day the Red Queen took control of Underland using the Jabberwocky.

Chessur denies that the tragedy caused by the Jabberwocky was his fault, but he is yelled at and insulted by the Hatter, until Mally intervenes.

Later on, he helps Tarrant during his execution by sparing his life, taking his place while wearing the Mad Hatter's hat and vanishing before he is executed. Although he had always wanted Tarrant's hat, he appears later in the White Queen's Castle and returns it to its owner. He is later seen in the Frabjous Day, witnessing the final battle between Alice and the Jabberwocky.

He is last seen grinning at Alice before she drinks the Jabberwocky blood to return to London. After Alice returns to Underland, Chessur informs her about the situation with Tarrant. Later, he accompanies her with the others to the clock which leads Alice to Time.

After Alice goes back in time, she encounters Chessur as a kitten, at this point still learning how to evaporate. Later, when time starts to rust, Chessur join the others for their eventual death. When time goes back to normal, he is seen with the others as Alice returns to London. Chessur appears in the video game adaptations of the film.


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