Basically, when Naruto attacked Tobi, Tobi used his jutsu and Naruto slipped right through him. During that time, Tobi was injured That is, places where Naruto passed through him. Based on these two facts--the overlapping body parts and the weapons sent into another dimension--Kakashi has figured out the truth: Tobi's jutsu is connected to the same dimension as Kakashi's jutsu!
Eight-tails wonders if all space-time jutsu are connected, but Kakashi says no, it's only him and Tobi. Naruto interrupts and demands to know why his punch didn't hit Tobi.
Eight-tails scolds him, saying you can't hit someone transparent, but Kakashi corrects them: Tobi was not transparent! In fact, what Tobi did was send parts of his body to the other dimension. So when Naruto aimed his fist at the left side of Tobi's face, Tobi just sent that left side of his face into the other dimension. And that dimension was the very same one the kunai was sent to, meaning it was possible for the kunai to hit that part of the face.
And the same thing happened with Naruto's Rasengan. But now Eight-tails wonders Kakashi demands to know where Tobi got his eye! Tobi reveals that it was during the previous World War Kakashi is shocked, but Tobi shouts at him not to open his mouth so easily, saying that Kakashi is all words and no actions, so what he says is worthless. Tobi says that it's too late for regrets He says that Kakashi should be able to understand--no wish can come true in this world.
That's why Tobi wants to create the Infinite Tsukuyomi: so he can build a world where 'heroes don't have the make excuses in front of graves'. Kakashi is shaken, but Naruto springs forward and tells Tobi to stop it! He says that he told Tobi already--he won't give up his dream to become Hokage!
There were many things he was entrusted with! Everyone is heartened by his words. Tobi responds to him, asking what will happen if he fails to do what Jiraiya and his father entrusted him to do that is, to create world peace? Naruto has some flashbacks, remembering Jiraiya and his father trusting him with their dreams Tobi asks what Naruto will think about himself if he fails to create world peace. Even if he puts off the issue by talking about hope, the hollow reality is there waiting.
Everyone will end up feeling hollow. Kurama remembers when he and Naruto met Naruto's dad inside the seal Naruto's father sealed half of Kurama's chakra inside him because he trusted that Naruto would become able to use the power. Kurama asks to switch with Naruto and he speaks to Tobi, saying that Naruto doesn't match what Tobi is saying. Naruto even managed to become friends with Kurama and use his power. Naruto won't fail! Explore Wikis Community Central.
Register Don't have an account? The Secret of the Space—Time Ninjutsu. View source. View form History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. This is the article on the chapter. Summary Urging Kakashi to explain it in the simplest way possible so that they could readjust their strategy, Guy and the others listen on as Kakashi explains that Tobi 's ability to become intangible and absorb things were one and the same.
Categories Chapters. Bottom line, in keeping with his Sage of 6 Paths mania, Tobi loves him some Sharingan. Even ones plucked from kiddies. Art by somethingatomic. I have to give it to Tobi here, he has a point. Stand over fallen comrades and wish away their regrets?
Put their hopes forward for a peaceful future? In the mean time contributing little to change to hate-filled state of the world? In response, Tobi focuses his biting criticism on Naruto.
Again, I see where Tobi is coming from. Talk is cheap. It moves people, and in this case, Kurama steps up to bat for Naruto, washing away the seed of doubt Tobi is trying hard to plant. Overall, this was a veeeeeery interesting chapter in terms of the Tobi.