Comments: Typical divas match, a few minutes too long but obviously the WWE's goal was to put Maria over as a thank you for competing at WrestleMania. Hell in a Cell — The Undertaker def. So much was on the line and the battle had taken a piece out of both men. The match started out with Taker and Triple H exchanging hard blows, but Taker gained the advantage quickly in the match. Taker used the unforgiving structure known as the Hell in a Cell to punish Triple H on the outside of the ring.
Using his hard strikes and the steel ring steps, Taker wore down Triple H further. Triple H mounted the comeback with an attempted Pedigree on the steel steps inside the ring, but Taker countered with a hard back body drop.
On several occasions Shawn Michaels pleaded with Triple H to stop striking Taker with the steel chair, but Triple H wouldn't hear of it. He continued to decimate the back of The Undertaker with thundering chair shots. The trademark Sledgehammer of Triple H found the light of day and he used it to break down Taker further with brutal shots to the temple. Triple H agreed only if Michaels would call for the bell to stop the match, but The Undertaker begged him not to.
Taker in a confused state, clinched the Hell's Gate Submission on Michaels, rendering him unconscious. Taker became enraged and choke slammed Robinson hard to the mat. An irate Triple H throws Michaels out of the ring, and at this point Taker mounts the impressive comeback.
Triple H reaches for the sledgehammer and Taker grabs the steel chair, Taker is the first one up and the result is ear splitting chair shots to Triple H's back. Michaels pleads with Taker to stop, Taker goes for the cover but miraculously Triple H raises the arm and continues to fight. Taker then clocks Triple with the sledgehammer and hits one final Tombstone for the three count. Comments: Spectacular match, The Undertaker's iconic streak is still intact, and Triple H was the one who had to be carried out of the ring a broken man.
With all the chips on the table and the hands dealt, it was the final showdown between the team of John Lauranitis and the team of Theodore Long. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler started the match, and Kofi mounted the quick offensive.
Jack Swagger got the tag and he started to punish Booker T with some power moves. Members of both teams exchanged some spots, and Team Teddy Captain Santino finally got the hot-tag from Booker T and hit his signature moves on Miz.
Santino hit the Cobra on Miz for the close three when Ziggler made the save. Ryder attempted to get Eve out of the ring when Miz hits the distracted Ryder with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win. The match started out with Jericho and Punk exchanging ground maneuvers.
Punk gained control of the match early on against Jericho, punishing him with hard knee strikes and kicks to Jericho in the corner. Throughout the match Jericho baited Punk, commenting on his father and his sister, trying to enrage Punk, but Punk regained his composure and went back to some mat wrestling against Jericho. Jericho was now in control of the match, and hit Punk with a suplex over the top rope to the floor. Jericho punished Punk on the floor then brought the match back inside the ring.
Jericho managed to get a few close near-falls against Punk. The match went back and forth, with neither man getting the significant advantage over the other. Jericho hit his first attempt at the Walls of Jericho, but Punk countered and sent Jericho flying to the opposite end of the ring, then hit Jericho with a damaging kick to the head. The match continues back and forth, and Jericho hit the Lionsault for another close three.
Punk attempted the Hurrancanrana, but Jericho countered with another Walls of Jericho and Punk grabbed the rope to break the hold. Now there's something worth considering. The Undertaker and WrestleMania go hand in hand, hence the flawless streak of Triple H may be an icon but it is time to hang up those boots, don the corporate suit and start making great decisions behind the scenes. Shawn Michaels tried to call the match down the middle but the actions of his charges forced him to get involved.
The powers of darkness cannot easily be contained and if Triple H wanted to unleash the beast, he accomplished his mission. His very own sledgehammer knocked out all his chances, The Undertaker saw the opportunity and laid his nemesis to rest once and for all.
Their futures are unknown at the moment but one thing stands to be true Instead of going their separate ways, the three buried the hatchet and came together as one—much to the delight of the 78 plus fans on hand. Finally, there is only one general manager of both brands and things can start getting really interesting from now on.
Team Laurinaitis clearly outclassed Team Teddy. Former world champions taking on Santino Marella, Booker T, Kofi Kingston and company was hardly fair, but then again, it proves John Laurinaitis to be the smarter businessman. Toss all that aside, it didn't look so convincing for the red team until the lovely and deceiving Eve Torres entered the ring and led Zack Ryder astray.
Once again, an unnoticed, powerful woman proved to be a man's Achilles' heel. In a nutshell, the right team won. Doesn't that sound like a worthy headline to sum up a title match between two of the best performers in the world?
Y2J accepting to submit is something few people would expect to see and it proves he is a humble man and superstar. Now, it is unsure how he will remain relevant in the WWE title picture with two losses to the straightedge superstar Elimination Chamber was a loss. His contract has been extended recently so perhaps he will manipulate himself in the good graces of the new Raw GM.
CM Punk is on the verge of passing The Miz's reign as longest champion of the last few years. With his victory tonight, could come a newly-commissioned championship belt tomorrow.
It would definitely be well deserved as it is time to put the horrible "spinner" trash to rest. Fans asked for this match a long time ago, the company obliged, What is the feedback from those fans? The leader of Cenation and the Brahma Bull had an exceptional match tonight, worthy of the year-long hype. All the near falls and finishers brought the house down. Bianca Belair brought her power game to the grandest stage to upstage Sasha Banks.
From carrying Banks up the steps to a splash and use her braid as a whip, the EST showed why she belongs at the top. Click here to join our channel indianexpress and stay updated with the latest headlines. Leading a simple life surrounded and loved by people, Rouble Nagi is a Mumbai based artist and social activist who strongly believes in changing the mindset of people with art and colors.
By: Sports Desk Updated: April 12, pm. The Indian Express website has been rated GREEN for its credibility and trustworthiness by Newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic standards.