Why is jfk a great president

Most of his military advisers—and they were not alone—believed the United States should bomb the missile pads that the Soviet Union was stationing in Cuba. Kennedy, aware of the danger of escalating the crisis, instead ordered a blockade of Soviet ships. In the end, a peaceful agreement was reached. Afterward, both Kennedy and Khrushchev began to soften the relationship between Washington and Moscow. Kennedy, during his short presidency, proposed many important steps forward.

The following day, after almost two years of mostly avoiding the issue of civil rights, he delivered a speech of exceptional elegance, and launched a drive for a civil-rights bill that he hoped would end racial segregation. He also proposed a voting-rights bill and federal programs to provide health care to the elderly and the poor.

Few of these proposals became law in his lifetime—a great disappointment to Kennedy, who was never very successful with Congress. Kennedy was the youngest man ever elected to the presidency, succeeding the man who, at the time, was the oldest.

He symbolized—as he well realized—a new generation and its coming-of-age. He was the first president born in the 20th century, the first young veteran of World War II to reach the White House. A witty and articulate speaker, he seemed built for the age of television. To watch him on film today is to be struck by the power of his presence and the wit and elegance of his oratory. His celebrated inaugural address was filled with phrases that seemed designed to be carved in stone, as many of them have been.

Another contributor to the Kennedy legend, something deeper than his personal attractiveness, is the image of what many came to call grace. He not only had grace, in the sense of performing and acting gracefully; he was also a man who seemed to receive grace.

He was handsome and looked athletic. He was wealthy. He had a captivating wife and children, a photogenic family. He sprinkled his public remarks with quotations from poets and philosophers. The Kennedy family helped create his career and, later, his legacy. Joseph Kennedy, one of the wealthiest and most ruthless men in America, had counted on his first son, Joe Jr. Years later, when Kennedy wrote Profiles in Courage with the help of his aide Theodore Sorensen, Krock lobbied successfully for the book to win a Pulitzer Prize.

The Kennedy legacy has a darker side as well. Many critics saw recklessness, impatience, impetuosity. He spent much of his life in hospitals, battling a variety of ills. JFK and. A president may serve no more than eight years or two terms. President John f. Based upon his foreign, civil rights and environment policies, President Kennedy was a successful. S President whose term of office was cut short by a belligerent man.

John F. Although JFK did not serve a full term as President he affected our nation in many positive ways and was on the best presidents we ever had. This will be proven through the use of credible sources and explanation of these four traits. President Kennedy easily qualifies for the first rule of being a tragic hero because, he was a man of noble stature and greatness.

Kennedy accomplished noble stature and greatness before he became president when he wrote a. Had JFK not gotten into politics, he would have continued a career in journalism pg. A school friend even said his temperament was better suited for writing pg4. Symbols changed from a blue star to gold so everyone will know there was a loss. Kennedy was the youngest president of the United States of America in history.

He also the second son of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He was American politician who served the U. S as a president from Jan until he was murdered in Dallas, Texas Nov When he was child John F. President John Kennedy took office during one of the most turbulent times in American history. The Cold War between democracy and communism was becoming more belligerent, and the United States and the Soviet Union possessed enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world many times over. In American cities, racial tension was rising.

Growing numbers of black Americans had begun to demonstrate for equal treatment under the law, and white segregationists promised to deny these rights, using violence if necessary. From the first moments of his presidency, Kennedy evoked a sense of security and a spirit of idealism which reassured Americans of their nation's strengths and inspired them to serve their country and the world. My fellow citizens of the world -- ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man," Kennedy said in his inaugural address.

Dazzled by his poise, moved by his eloquence, Americans proudly embraced the vigor and vision of their young president. As he struggled with the complexities of foreign and domestic politics, Kennedy sometimes fell short of his idealistic rhetoric. A self-proclaimed supporter of civil rights, he moved forward slowly on the issue until , when racial violence forced his hand. An advocate of peaceful development abroad, he hastened America's descent into the Vietnam war, a conflict that would end countless lives and bitterly divide the nation.


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