Why does sunset look different than sunrise

But I may be wrong. Hey James, great post! While the conditions are essentially the same as far as the light-angles and effects are concerned, the major difference I came up with is the viewers relationship to the events.

Optically the temperature difference would be very slight, if noticed at all. My caveat for this post is that I have way more experience w Sunsets, and practically none w Sunrises. Here in southern NJ I find there's a marked difference driven I suspect by the Sun rising in the morning over the cool Atlantic Ocean, where the evening sunset is over warm land. We're close enough to the coast that the morning sky is illuminated by light reflected of the water, and on clear morning there not much dust in the cool dry air.

And the morning sky often is cloudless where the afternoon sky can have considerable cloud cover due to daytime heating which also draws dust to the higher cloud layers. Post a Comment. Near dusk, intense coral pinks, reds, and peachy oranges have draped the horizon.

Amid the colors are clouds that look like falling sheets of fabric, floating as if they are trying to assemble a parachute for our sinking star. It occurred to us that since the days have become shorter and sunsets are occurring earlier in the day, we just have more of a chance to notice them at work. But we also had to wonder: Is it possible that late fall and winter sunsets are just It turns out sunsets are, in fact, better during the colder months of the year, according to NOAA meteorologist Stephen Corfidi.

Corfidi says peak sunset season for the middle latitudes think the Northeastern United States is November through February, and it has to do with the confluence of a few meteorological factors. That is, unless you like hazy sunsets. Corfidi works in storm prediction, but has a lifelong fascination with the science of sunsets. He first got interested in meteorology, he says, because of sunsets.

Every day brings a new sunset, and he wanted to know why. Of course. Beauty is subjective. Sunset colors are created by a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Sunlight contains all the colors of the rainbow. But not all the colors reach the ground in the same concentration. Nitrogen and oxygen molecules in our atmosphere act as little mirrors for blue and violet light, in particular. Learn how to fuel your body with tomorrow's Wonder of the Day! Watch the sunset with a friend or family member.

As you take in the sight, explain why the sky is changing color. Why aren't those colors always there? Why are you able to see them now? Take a look at beautiful sunrises and sunsets from around the world!

Which of these would you most like to see? Show a friend or family member the place you would most like to visit and explain why. Thanks to NASA, it's easy to explore the electromagnetic spectrum! What new types of waves did you learn about? Write a paragraph explaining the similarities and differences between visible light and one other type of wave.

Did you get it? Test your knowledge. What are you wondering? Wonder Words shades waves debris pollution influence horizon atmosphere molecules sensitivity Take the Wonder Word Challenge.

Join the Discussion. Apr 5, Jack Mar 20, It looks the best outside when the sun is going down. Mar 21, Mar 18, Venandi M. Mar 17, Sometimes I look into the sunset and think "wow". It is such a beautiful earth we live on, and we should all unite together as ONE in such beauty. Why do we have life and death? Or why do we die? Why do animals, loved ones or even best friends pass away at one point? I would love to know. At dawn, clearer skies enable more brilliant reds and oranges to make their way through the atmosphere to your eyes , whereas thicker atmospheres at dusk tend to dull these colors, leading to more washed-out sunsets.

On the other hand, more dust and smog at sunset can have the effect of scattering light across a greater region of the sky, creating a larger drape of colors, whereas sunrise colors tend to be more focused around the sun. Whichever you prefer, you can frequently tell a sunrise from a sunset by the fact that the latter appears more chaotic, and the former, tidier. According to the astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York, there's also a trick for distinguishing a sunrise from a sunset played in reverse.

Because of Earth's tilt , the sun doesn't rise or set along a vertical line, but at an angle. Filmmakers are not typically awake in the morning hours to film an actual sunrise, so they film a sunset instead, and then time-reverse it, thinking nobody will notice.


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