Why does hody jones hate humans

I really like this development because Oda is showing exactly why Orohime went so hard to try to rid everyone's hatred of humans, why she didn't want that passed to the next generation Also really like how Hodi's character is turning out. He knows that if he fails, fishman are doomed to be forever undermined by humans atleast in his mind. This is what makes his drive so great that he's willing to rid off the whole island, cut off years of his life, get ride of his comrades, etc.

Oda's a fucking genius. Really hate how people are hating this arc. Especially the flashback, shit was amazing after re-reading it. The thought put behind this arc is leagues above what you'll normally read in other mangas. Hope people open there eyes soon so this arc gets the appreciation it deserves.

Tony Stark Awesome. A tenryuubito fucked his Mermaid mom and he's a Hybrid now. He hates Humans because well NewAgeHero said:. So all in all, Tiger always had a tremendous hate for humans, but he held it deep within him for the sake of the future of Fishman Island, but even Orohime could tell he had this extreme hatred Link removed.

And looking at this page: Link removed Hodi's attention is drawn when talk of Tiger comes up, notably how he was influenced to make peace with humans. DarkRasengan said:. Numbers Don't Lie! Isn't fishman district for orphans? Hodi was almost a teenager when the fishman pirates were around right? Can't be a former slave, unless it happened off panel after fisher tiger was killed, and there were no reports of freed slaves since then If it is identity and not form, maybe he is a spy for the WG and his real mission was to destroy fishman island.

My guess is he may be the son of a human and a fishman or mermaid. Eiichiro Oda True D. He can be Neptune's illegitimate son. Remember Hodi and Fukaboshi look almost identical in some frames and have even been displayed that way in what could have been an intentional juxtaposition. AND he could hate Otohime and her ideals then because maybe Otohime couldn't come to peace about Neptune's affair and wouldn't allow him to support Hodi or have anything to do in Hodi's life.

Otohime could be the one responsible for Hodi's hard life, like maybe Hodi's mother was a maid in the royal palace or something after Otohime found out about the affair and that the mother was pregnant then she had the mother cast out of Fishman Island and she raised Hodi in poverty and died young in the Fishman District leaving Hodi as an orphan. But I don't think this is what it will be, only that it would make a kind of sense if it was. Hody being FT's son is possible.

A bit farfectched, but possible. So Tiger was a pedo? Jiraiyaaa- Kontroll P? Akainu happened. Calling it now, he was a guinea pig of Dr. Vegapunk, who tried to create super soldiers with crossing human and fishman DNA or something.

After overdosing on Energy Steroids and before they made him weak , Hody Jones' physical appearance drastically changed, resulting in a more muscular body and bleached-white hair. Also, Hody's strength had increased tremendously. However, after his body became weak and old due to his overdosing, he lost both the boost he got and his natural strength to the point where he needed a stick just to walk, and when he tried to pull apart iron bars, his wrists broke.

Like Arlong, Hody is also able to grow his teeth back immediately after they are broken. His removed set of teeth are replaced by a new set in mere moments. His eyes take on an appearance similar to those of sea kings. In this state, Hody seems to have gone mad to which Shirahoshi commented that he became far more terrifying than he usually is. During his raid on the Ryugu Palace, Hody was seen holding a long, thin red trident , [39] possibly something he has kept from his old days as a soldier.

He managed to defeat Decken with it by stabbing him and then lifting him to block one of Decken's flying axes. In the anime, Hody also threw the trident like a projectile against Zoro. In the manga, Hody was seen holding a different trident after being struck a grievous wound by Zoro and then revitalizing himself with an Energy Steroid. It was a light-colored one with elaborate design underneath the spikes, similar to the one used by Neptune himself, but much smaller.

Later in the manga, he returned to using his original trident. The Kirisame is a curved blade that Hody puts on his dorsal fin to cut people while swimming at high speed, being sharp enough to slice through a large oarfish and underwater mountains. This further enhances his shark features. During his assassination of Otohime, he used a rifle to kill her. He showed enough accuracy to shoot her while she was in the middle of a crowd without detection.

By taking the deadly Energy Steroids , which doubled his strength each time he consumes a pill, Hody became far more dangerous than he already was, taking further advantage of his amazing physical strength.

The pills had become Hody's main source of power for his campaign of terror. Each pill he took doubled his physical strength. During his attack against Crab-Hand Gyro's escaping ship he had taken at least four and while being underwater, granting him strength at least three-hundred-twenty times that of an average human.

His jaws were also very powerful as they were all he needed to single-handedly defeat Crab-Hand Gyro, a pirate with a bounty of 73,,, and his entire crew.

Swimming with blinding speed, he punched holes in their ship and even ripped the mast off using his jaws. These pills also seemed to regenerate the users' wounds to some extent and take strain off them, as seen when a wounded and seemingly unconscious Hody, given one more pill, managed to stand up in mere seconds and to use his strength to its full extent, stopping the gigantic Neptune with just one hand.

This led him to abuse the pills as though they were painkillers. After overdosing on the drug to ease the pain of the scar Zoro gave him, Hody underwent a painful transformation into a much more massive form.

In this new form, his strength was greater than ever, allowing him to fire a drop of water like a bullet a great distance across the island, piercing through people, buildings and rock alike. Thanks to the Energy Steroids, he was also able to withstand a lot of damage from Luffy's Haki-enforced attacks. Also, Hody was able to swim faster than a mermaid as he managed to catch Shirahoshi while she was fleeing. However, the Energy Steroids came back to do more harm than good as it made his body weak and old after his arrest.

When he tried to bust through the prison cell, he screamed in pain as his joints snapped where he tried to draw his strength from. Hody was a practitioner of Fish-Man Karate and he showcased it by his manipulation of water. He could hurl simple droplets of water and turn them into deadly bullets with extreme kinetic force. After overdosing on Energy Steroids, Hody appeared to drip with water even though he was not soaked, suggesting that he had been secreting it.

However, despite his enormous strength, and according to both Luffy and Jinbe, Hody's Fish-Man Karate was at an amateur level. This was shown when he fought Luffy, for while Jinbe could do noticeable damage to the rubber man, Hody's attacks were ineffective. After his body became old and frail as a side-effect of the steroids, he likely lost the ability to perform it altogether.

As Hody and his future officers were growing up in the Fish-Man District, they only learned one thing: hate humans. With Arlong as their role-model, they were indoctrinated into believing that fish-men were heaven-sent to rule the world and they grew to despise humans based on the belief that they are destined to be superior.

Hody and his crew looked up to Arlong and his dream. Sometime later, in the Fish-Man District , a fish-man was preaching in the street about how humans are an inferior species that are running rampant and threatening fish-mankind.

Hody Jones listened to this and seemed to take it to heart. Another fish-man was talking about someone who blew up a slave shop on the surface. A memorial wreath was in front of a large picture of the fish-man in question. People were standing around it, saying that he died, but took eight humans with him and caused widespread disaster on the surface.

Hody was pleased that humans died while Ikaros Much was praising the man, saying he wants to be a "hero" too. At another point, Hody and some other children were listening to Hatchan's story about his friendship with a human named Rayleigh. Before Hatchan finished, Hody left in utter disgust. While they were teenagers, Hody and his companions read about Fisher Tiger's exploits at Mary Geoise.

They cheered the Sun Pirates on thinking that their goal was to destroy humans, not knowing that Fisher Tiger had non-lethal methods. At some point, he joined the Neptune Army only to gain battle experience and not out of loyalty [10] while his future crew became a group of anarchists that attacked fish-men that dealt with blood transfers with humans.

During his time as a soldier, he was present in the throne room when Jinbe, the captain of the Sun Pirates after Fisher Tiger, spoke with Neptune. Hody seemed displeased upon hearing that Jinbe accepted the position of Warlord of the Sea and that Tiger actually wanted peace with the humans. When a World Noble, Saint Mjosgard , arrived on the island, Hody was in favor of killing him, considering him to be "the worst trash in the world".

When Otohime was nearly successful in her campaign for peace with humans, Hody paid a human pirate to set fire to the signature box. Amidst the chaos, Hody assassinated Otohime with a rifle. After successfully murdering Otohime, Hody then shot the pirate.

Jinbe, not suspecting Hody at all, advised him to hide the pirate. Hody ignored Jinbe and declared to everyone that Otohime was assassinated by the human. Every citizen believed Hody as they grieved over Otohime's death and so, Hody successfully demoralized the citizens as well as giving them another reason to hate humans.

Hody then presented the Energy Steroids and asked Zeo to mass-produce them. Learning from the Arlong Pirates' mistakes, Hody and his crew made thorough preparations to carry on Arlong's will. Occasionally, some of the human captives attempted to flee only to be made examples by Hody. Luffy, and ordered Hammond to bring Luffy to him. He took some Energy Steroids and confronted the pirates after putting his hands in handcuffs.

With his jaws alone, he gave the pirates a complete and utter defeat. Hody decided to spare their lives in order to allow them to float to the surface, so that they can spread word of the terror of the New Fish-Man Pirates. He then declared that the New Fish-Man Pirates will overthrow king Neptune, take Fish-Man Island by force, and show the world that fish-men are the supreme race.

After Decken put on a glove, they shook hands, forming an alliance. They agreed to take down Neptune , crush the Neptune Army, and cause the kingdom to crumble. As they set their plan into motion, Hatchan appeared and tried to talk the New Fish-Man Pirates out of going through with the operation.

Hody expressed his disappointment towards Hatchan, saying that he has gotten soft and allowed him to become a target of Vander Decken IX.

Once Hatchan had been dealt with, Hody then told a group of captive pirates about how will they take part in the operation. Once they are inside, they will open the connection corridor to the palace which will allow the New Fish-Man Pirates to invade.

Hody went on saying that he was not concerned about whether they live or die and that they were nothing more than pawns for them to use. Hody was then seen heading to Ryugu Palace while riding on top of the sea monsters with his crew and Vander Decken IX. Once they entered the palace, they met the Straw Hats and the already subdued and tied-up King Neptune and the Ryugu Palace guards. Hody commented that this seemed way too convenient.

King Neptune quickly accused Decken of kidnapping Shirahoshi which made Decken realize that the Mermaid Princess was no longer in the palace. Hody calmed Decken saying that he could find her location using his ability.

Decken went after Shirahoshi leaving Hody to take care of things in the palace. After seeing that Hody has an Arlong tattoo, Nami went to an unknown location. When the Minister of the Right cursed Hody, a former soldier of the Neptune Army, for causing chaos on Fish-Man Island, Hody revealed that he only joined the army to gain experience. Hody then crushed a palace wall, flooding the palace in the process. He launched his Archer Shark attack, injuring Neptune and some of his soldiers.

Hody laughed at Neptune for getting in the way of the attack, saying that a king should not protect his subjects. Zoro counterattacked by sending a sword wave at the fish-man. Hody blocked the attack by using one of his own comrades as a shield. Hody then ordered his crew to attack, but Usopp held them back by launching a Pop Green that spawns a flower the gives off a bad odor.

Hody, however, remained unfazed, commenting on the childishness of the attack. Usopp and Brook untied the guards and Zoro cut Neptune's chains. When completely underwater, Hody prepared to face off against Zoro. However, even though he had an advantage being underwater, he appeared to be no match for the swordsman, who seemed to have dealt him a grievous deep wound. Neptune took Zoro, Usopp, and Brook and created an escape route, which the ministers and the palace guards used to escape.

Hody was later seen addressing Fish-Man Island through a visual broadcast. He told the citizens that those who wish peace with the humans should be banished. He showed the chained-up King Neptune and explained his plan to execute him in Gyoncorde Plaza in three hours.

He went on saying that he found the letter from the World Noble and the box holding the signatures. Since stepping on Otohime's fumi-e would not be enough, he decided to use the signatures to determine who is against him. He would also dispose of anyone who gave their signatures.

Hody planned to drown them in a room with rising water after executing Neptune and intended on making an example out of Luffy to the surface world. After he finished his speech, he decided to leave the palace with most of his subordinates since the palace is impenetrable. He was also confident that no one could save the three Straw Hats imprisoned in the palace and commented that the wound he got from Zoro still ached.

He then received a status report on the island's new residents from the Fish-Man District. Hody told his subordinates to use the homes of those who left and those who would die. As he was taking the king to Gyoncorde Plaza, he suddenly suffered from intense pain due to taking so many Energy Steroids as painkillers, collapsing and twitching in agony, to the point of having difficulty in breathing. Neptune chastised him for being too reliant on the steroids and was now reaping the consequences.

Shortly after thrashing around on the sea monster's back that he was riding on, Hody managed to get up, with an apparent change in his body that was enough to frighten a sea bear that was a certain distance away. Hody arrived at the execution ground as a changed being. After taking his seat, he then stared quizzically at an Energy Steroid.

His crew also gathered at the plaza and the Neptune Army's attempts to save the king were thwarted by the Sea Beasts. When a soldier tried to kill one of the officers with dynamite, Hody stopped him with Uchimizu. With his new found strength, not only was the shot able to go through the soldier, but it also crashed through several rock and coral formations before landing in the water at Mermaid Cove.

He then marveled at his own strength saying that he felt incredible. When the princes arrived, Hody listened to Fukaboshi's speech about how the people want to walk with humans and Hody was preventing that.

After the princes defeated the Sea Beasts, Hody simply replied that in the end, the kingdom would belong to the victor. The princes were then defeated and captured. Jinbe, Shirahoshi, and Megalo had fallen into one of Hody's traps and got captured as well. Hody was overjoyed that his plan was going smoothly and all of his subordinates gathered in the plaza.

Out of annoyance, Hody hit her with a water shot and loudly declared on how different he is from her older brother, Arlong.

He then revealed to everyone that he was the one who truly assassinated Otohime, stunning the king, the princes, the citizens, Jinbe, and even his lower-rank subordinates. After Hody explained that the human pirate he caught was a scapegoat, Neptune was furious, and Hody responded by injuring him with a water shot. When Hody gloated about killing Otohime right in Shirahoshi's face, the princess said that she knew all along.

Surprised, Hody then demanded Shirahoshi to explain how she knew. Shirahoshi explained that Megalo saw Hody committed the crime and told her about it. The reason that Shirahoshi did not tell anyone was because she was honoring her mother's last wish of not holding any hatred towards the killer. Hody then laughed, much to Jinbe's anger, and mocked Megalo for only telling the story to Shirahoshi, saying that if he had told anyone else, his plan would have been ruined.

Ultimately, Hody was a manifestation of racism and a willing participant in a cycle of hatred he hoped would never end. His open contempt and bias against humans make whatever qualms he has about them difficult to consider seriously.

The world nobles hardly left a better impression for the fish-men than the pirates did. In fact, it was arguably far worse. When one of them was shipwrecked on the island, he announced his intentions to reclaim his slaves and threatened the curious locals gathering nearby with his gun. To make matters worse, they were the primary buyers of the mermaids whom pirates abducted and sold at human auctions.

Their barbarism gave credibility to Hody's claims that his people needed to rise up. In order to stoke the fires of hatred and end Otohime's pro-human lobbying, Hody shot her during a rally, burned her ballots, and blamed both the arson and assassination on a hired pirate nearby. This was one of his most heinous actions, as he attempted to take the queen's life and dream from her in one brutal maneuver. Additionally, it boded poorly for the merits of his claims -- if humans were as reprehensible as he said, he wouldn't have needed to forge a crime in order to criticize them.

Once Fisher Tiger returned Koala to her home village, he was quickly beset upon by the marines. The child's village had turned him in to the authorities under the promise that the world nobles wouldn't come to recollect her as a runaway slave.

This was a profane illustration of savagery that would ultimately result in Fisher Tiger's death. Given that he was an icon for fish-men across the world and that his kindness literally got him killed, it's understandable how Hody might be distrusting of humans. When Vander Decken's Noah arrived to pursue Shirahoshi, Hody realized an opportunity to destroy his opposition and reacted accordingly. He leaped aboard the ship and attacked his former comrade, eventually knocking him unconscious.


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