Why do guys want girlfriends

You have a career. The days when guys want to outearn a girl are, for the most part, over. Even a part time job can make a big difference in how he views you. You know how to stand up for yourself. You know how to have fun. Being playful and flirty is a great girlfriend trait. They want a girl who will stick by them through thick and thin. In fact, many are even bitter about this issue. You know how to take care of herself.

Many guys are very worried about marrying a woman who lets herself go. They want to see you stay in the same shape as the day you got married. Men are not as emotional and expressive as women.

They do not talk much, and they do not express their feelings. Even in a relationship it is difficult to understand what men want their girl to do for them. But then there are a few things guys really want from their girlfriends. Here, in this article, we have shared 10 things that every boyfriend expects from his girlfriend. Let's check it out. Guys like their girlfriends to care for them. One thing man expects in a relationship is the feeling of being cared for.

This is one of the things guys secretly love. So start pampering and surprising your guy every now and then with some little gifts too. Guys like their girlfriends to make them laugh. According to many guys, the most adorable acts their girlfriends do is make them laugh.

You don't need to have comedy skills to make him laugh. Your own sense of humor would just do the trick. Guys like their girl who appreciate his efforts. From handling your mood swings to pampering you, your boyfriend puts a lot of effort in the relationship. So, you can reciprocate by appreciating him.

Once a while, you can leave a 'Thank You' note on his side table saying how much he means to you. It is important that you please each other in the bedroom — or on top of the dryer — whatever the case may be. I know, this one is kind of obvious, but important nonetheless. A great girlfriend will not only want to look good for you, but also for herself. Being seen with her should make you feel better about yourself.

And this doesn't mean that she has to be a Heidi Klum clone. Whatever floats your boat. Your mutual attraction should make you both want to stay looking your best. This is a biggie. Your girlfriend must respect you — otherwise you have to wonder why she bothers to be with you. This means that she takes the time to listen to you, even if you're in a heated argument. A great girlfriend will keep major disputes private rather than taking you down in public.

She'll make an effort to see things from your point of view provided you do the same for her. The key here is that the respect be mutual — it's very hard for one of you to respect the other while feeling disrespected. The golden rule has no better application than in terms of respecting your significant other.

Do not — I repeat — do not get involved with a woman who tries to get you to eat cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast and insists that you give up poker night with the guys. You will end up resenting her more than you can imagine.

A good girlfriend lets you be a guy in all your glory, poker night and all. If she's a great girlfriend, she'll even bring you and your buddies a couple of beers and make you some of her famous sandwiches.

She has to understand that men and women are different and should allow you to be yourself. Just like you wouldn't deprive her of going shopping with her best girlfriend, she shouldn't expect you to give up the guys for her. We've never met a man who was convinced to change his behavior because of his girlfriend's nagging.

A great girlfriend knows this and chooses her battles wisely. She knows when to get upset and when to let it slide. However, if you live together and you stay out all night without calling her, and she lets you have it, then you're setting yourself up for disaster. This is a situation that nobody would let slide — not even a great girlfriend. Don't push your luck with anyone, least of all your girlfriend.

A great girlfriend will make an effort to get to know your people. She'll help your parents out at Thanksgiving, try to understand your brother's twisted sense of humor, and want to get to know your friends.


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