Who is stuart rattle

The Courier's trusted source for property. Home News Latest News. In the days that followed, he acted grief stricken. After Mr Rattle's death, the court was asked to determine how his estate should be split.

However, the court ruled that will should not take effect. His emotional mother told Fairfax Media that Nora, who did not work, lived in a unit on the family's property and she would fight for her daughter's entitlement.

After her son's crime shattered the normality of two families and their friends, Mrs O'Neill said: "It's a sentence for us, too. We just support Michael totally. O'Neill, named by Rattle as executor, was also sole beneficiary and set to acquire Musk Farm in Daylesford as half-owner. The legal wrangle is ongoing and probate has not been finalised but the heartbreaking family nightmare is detailed in the book Smoke and Mirrors: a tragedy of love and murder by crime writer Robin Bowles and will be released on August 1.

Rattle and O'Neill, partners in life and business for 16 years, had a loving yet tempestuous relationship and were "A gays" in their social circle with a first-class life, but behind their personal and professional facade, they amassed large debts. It is believed the estate had debts of several million dollars and after creditors are paid, it is unknown how much will be left for the beneficiaries.

Bowles writes that Rattle's will was a photocopy, not the original, and was only signed by one witness, who cannot remember signing it. The will's validity is said to be challenged by the words "if my partner Michael O'Neill does not survive me by 30 days" because he did — as his murderer — and Bowles said he forfeited his inheritance rights given criminals can't profit from their crimes.

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