Who is older yoseob and kikwang

Though not every person has an angel guarding their existence Yoseob and Doojoon have and their angels are born as their childhood friends Gi Kwang and Dongwoon. How will their lives continue after those two pairs are brought together? Current Mood crushed Tags fanfiction , member: dongwoon , member: doojoon , member: gikwang , member: yoseob , rating: pg Current Music B. P - It's a lie Tags fanfiction , member: dongwoon , member: doojoon , member: gikwang , member: yoseob , rating: pg Chapter Current Mood drained Tags fanfiction , member: dongwoon , member: doojoon , member: gikwang , member: yoseob , rating: pg Just reposting it in my journal.

I'll be posting one chap a day. Yoseob is the worst at games including computer games. Yoseob and Drama, from Dalmatian, were best friends back in Mboat and were called Soulmate. Yoseob will be very happy if someone confesses her love to him. Yoseob cried a lot after going off key on their debut stage, even though it was barely noticeable.

Plus, she loves dolls so he bought her a huge doll exactly her size. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.

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