Known For. Lady in the Water Producer. Signs Producer. The Village Producer. The Sixth Sense Director. Show all Hide all Show by Hide Show Producer 18 credits. Labor of Love producer announced. The Vanishings at Caddo Lake producer filming. Show all 21 episodes. Show all 20 episodes. Hide Show Director 19 credits. Labor of Love announced.
Hide Show Writer 19 credits. Labor of Love screenplay announced. Hide Show Actor 14 credits. Night Shyamalan. Delivery Man uncredited. Night Shyamalan - Sorry, Harvey Hide Show Music department 1 credit. His most well-received films include the supernatural thriller The Sixth Sense , the superhero thriller Unbreakable , the science fiction thriller Signs and the period-piece thriller The Village Shyamalan also released the found footage horror film The Visit and the psychological thriller Split His latest film is the superhero thriller Glass , which is the third and final chapter of his Unbreakable film series.
Son of Jayalakshmi Shyamalan and Nelliate C. Said in the bonus disk that the movie Unbreakable was made from what started as only the first third of the original script.
He said he felt no connection to the last two thirds of the text and decided to discard them. Ranked 21 in Premiere's annual Power List. Had ranked 64 in Ranked 23 in Premiere's annual Power List. He was the 5th-highest ranked director. Had ranked 21 in Made many films using a video camera when he was young. When his theatrical films go to DVD, he puts in a scene from one of his childhood films that marks his first attempt at the same kind of movie.
The Sixth Sense includes the ghost story Nightmare on Old Gulf, Unbreakable includes the action movie Millionaire, Signs includes the monster movie Pictures, and The Village includes an untitled period piece. His Wide Awake was one of the year's lowest-grossing, least- profitable films; in contrast, The Sixth Sense was 's No. Ranked 30 on Premiere's Power 50 List. Had ranked 23 in Has worked with two Academy Award-nominated child actors.
Has a reputation for attaining A-list actors of his first choice to star in his films, in roles specifically written for them. He and Dan Aykroyd , are the only two men to direct themselves in performances that "won" them a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor. Shyamalan "won" the award for, and also directed, the film Lady in the Water Maintains his offices and screening room in a converted barn in suburban Philadelphia. Turned down the opportunity to direct the Harry Potter franchise on three separate occasions.
He was first offered Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on a recommendation from friend Steven Spielberg who had previously been considered to direct , but turned it down due to post-production commitments on his own film Unbreakable After the massive success of his own film, Signs , Shyamalan was once again offered Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and later Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , turning down the former to direct his own project The Village and the latter to work on his since aborted adaptation of the Yann Martel novel The Life of Pi.
Was offered the chance to write and direct new versions of both Spider-Man circa and either Superman or Batman circa , but having already directed a superhero project of his own with Unbreakable turned them down. Was attached to write and direct an adaption of the Yann Martel novel The Life of Pi intended for production in When the project stalled, Shyamalan left the movie to direct his own screenplay for Lady in the Water Was set to direct an original screenplay for Fox called The Connected; a supernatural thriller about a father's search for his missing child.
Shyamalan had already cast Bruce Willis , Bradley Cooper and Gwyneth Paltrow in the lead roles with a tentative start date set for early , but for unknown reasons the project collapsed. Lives on the same street as Allen Iverson. The music video to Panic! I play for a living Success is tied to a feeling of magic, which I can protect. The idea is to always go for the thing that's risky. I want to be courageous and original. And original means, you don't know what 'colour' movie you just saw.
Movie making is not like other artforms, like painting, or writing a novel, because that can be disgested or interpreted It takes two years to make each one of these, and it's always judged on money.
All of my movies have made money, and that's important for me - it's my job to make money for the studio That's the way stories come to me, they come to me very naturally like that. If this was a story about me and someone else, I would be withholding information about them immediately. The negative thing about the twist is that it's all people are occupied with; all the gentleness in the movie is being overshadowed by the flashy cousin in the sequined vest taking centre-stage.
When you say fear of the unknown, that is the definition of fear; fear is the unknown, fear is what you do not know, and it's genetically within us so that we feel safe. We feel scared of the woods because we're not familiar with it, and that keeps you safe. I have this whole picture of the film in my head and then I put it all down on paper and storyboard it; showing the movie shot by shot. I like to feel that I have thought of everything before the camera starts rolling but I think that's probably my asset and weakness as a film maker.
I am giving my cast a target that I have in my mind and they are trying to hit it. It's positive because I know exactly what I want to get out of my actors and the scene. But the negative is that I might not catch the lightning in the bottle, I may not get that unexpected improvised brilliance. I think I take what you might call a B-movie story, deal with B-movie subjects, and I treat it as if it's an A-movie in terms of my approach, my crew, my actors, my ethics and so on.
I guess that's my trademark or one of them anyway! Allowing for the fact that watching a VCR rip on YouTube is hardly the way any filmmaker would want their work seen, the movie is rather obvious and consistently clunky.
The only thing it shares with his later work is its unimpeachable earnestness, though it is worth noting that not once do we get a scene where we are supposed to be scared by a tree.
His career rejuvenated by The Visit and especially Split , the former boy wonder seemed to have successfully completed an unlikely Lazarus act.
But that feel-good story should probably be put on hold after Glass , a laudably daring but deeply silly culmination of the so-called Eastrail Trilogy. A psychiatrist Sarah Paulson is convinced that their supposed superpowers are actually just figments of their imagination, which leads to many chin-stroking discussions concerning our cultural obsession with comic books and the ability of ordinary people to do great things.
As per norm, Shyamalan conjures up plenty of mood while spinning his web of intrigue and twists. But unlike the relative low-budget kicks of his previous two films, Glass has lots of portentous self-importance that the movie never quite earns.
Chalk it up to lowered expectations, but the response to Old is profoundly different than that of, say, The Happening back in the day. Is it supposed to be campy? Is he actually taking all this seriously? Truth is, Old is sort of a junky film with a so-so Twilight Zone premise mixed with an international cast — and, indeed, there are profound ideas about death and loss intertwined with cheap-seat body-horror ickiness.
The movie feels different than the lesser Shyamalan films, but not necessarily better. The movie is an odd mix, childlike in tone and mind-set but also ponderous and slow, a deadly mix. As a nun! Shyamalan was on a nearly unprecedented roll, at least at his age, when he made this clunker, the first sign that his magic was starting to wear off and, more to the point, his Big Twist gimmick was starting to feel strained and desperate. It occurs to us, this far into the list, that Shyamalan has only made four good movies.
Still, though, this cast!